*Says Port... The survey also identified Port Harcourt, Lagos and Maiduguri as the most dangerous hotspots across Nigeria’s major cities and highways with high risks of theft, attacks and road hazards.
Survey talk turned to inland ports, the only area in the supply chain, it was pointed out, where there was elasticity during the pandemic, as well as a layer for barge-to-truck and truck-to-truck movements ... Costly issues weigh on port efficiency.
As announced, UK marine consultancy and survey company ABPmer was appointed by RAKPorts to conduct an audit of its compliance with the PMSC principles, as well as conformity with its MarineSafetyManagementSystem (MSMS), a requirement of the PMSC.
This year started with a bang! During my weekly beach survey near Port Aransas, I stumbled upon a 3-foot American alligator washed up on the sand — a rare sight at the beach.
UK marine consultancy and survey company ABPmer was appointed by RAKPorts to conduct an audit of its compliance with the PMSC principles, as well as conformity with its MarineSafetyManagementSystem (MSMS), a requirement of the PMSC.
11, 2024, in New PortRichey, Fla ... 11, 2024, in New Port Richey, Fla ... Rich Conflitti pulls a coconut that had been blown by the winds from a car on his property, while surveying damage from HurricaneMilton in Port Charlotte, Fla., on Thursday, Oct.
In early December, the supply of grain cargoes from Ukrainian and European ports remained low, according to a survey by MaritimeLogistics... ports and on the roads, and weak activity of major importers.
To ensure the safe berthing of large cargo vessels and smooth navigation, port authorities must regularly survey underwater terrain to assess sedimentation levels and the stability of underwater structures," Wang said.
A ship that has a malfunction in the Sea of Marmara and will pass a Turkish Strait after repairing the malfunction will be surveyed by the local port authority where the vessel will transit or by a classification society.
The group also climbed for the first time into the global top 20 ranks of world container port operators in a survey by Drewry International... AD PortsGroup strengthened its global position by ...